Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Missing Link, found sort of!

Dude, where's my link? would also have been an appropriate title for this blog entry! I came across this little gem over the weekend - it's a beauty a double fail, firstly the link colour has been set to 'white' when not active and yellow when active. Neither of these two colours work at all well and makes it easy to see why blue link text is the default. Given the location of this particular link (within a tender site) I suspect that its a section of a document that has been copy and pasted in and relies on a style sheet thats not present in the destination website - but that's no excuse for not proof reading!!!

Go where?


Friday, May 20, 2011

The Law of Gravity

Have you ever sat and thought about something so random as this...

I've had this reoccurring thought recently and I have no idea why, but as we were driving to Sydney over Easter I thought to myself - "How important is gravity to our modern societies concept of law?". So over the past few weeks I have continued to ponder this thought. I seem to recall a car on the side of the road and thinking something like "once we have cars that can fly or vertical cities like the ones in star wars and other such fantasy worlds will we have to change the laws we have now? At the moment if you own a car, you can park it in your driveway or garage and people know its your because its on your property and its our friend gravity that is keeping where you parked it. But imagine with no gravity, you bounce or float out of your car, close the door and make your way inside, only to notice sometime later your car floating by your window, with your neighbours with it - just floating around. I'm sure there won't be too much of an issue in the local area but what about if you visit a friend in another part of town and you have to find your car - you could just claim another one? On reflection cars are not the best example, they have number plates etc so lets think about pot plants or other non-identified house hold items. We have heaps of pot plants around the outside of our house what if they just floated away and we had to fetch them? People know they are ours at the moment, because they are at our house. Not sure what you think, but I am sure that there is a strong link between the law of gravity and the law of common society and possession.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thoughts provoked by the Information Age (ACS magazine)

There were several articles that tweaked my interested and awoken the sleeping grey matter from its weekend slumber! The first was one titled "Investing in careers with SFIA" which describes how Westpac has incorporated the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) as part of managing the 'whole employment life-cycle'. SFIA has been at the front of my mind recently as it's featured in many discussions I've had with clients and service providers alike. Initially I was drawn into reading this article because of the relevance to my current activities-discussions which centre around the implementation and benefits of the framework but two-thrids of the way through I found the paragraph circled in the picture below. My first thought was of all the skills in SFIA (there are 89 odd skill areas) the Westpac executive choose to highlight testing, not Development, Not BA's and not Project Managers but Testing. The article didn't explain why testing and not the others, but what I liked was that his person understands that testing is a Professional Skill, with a career path just like any other the skills in the Framework. At the recent Test Managers Forum there was lots of discussion surrounding professionalising testing and I am now seeing evidence we are heading in the right direction! My thought is that the next step will be to have the difference streams of testing (Performance, Automation, Functional) recognised as skills in there own right - more too follow on that one.

The article can be found on page 38-39 of the Information Age.

The next article that captured my attention was  'ICT's biggest money wasters' (pg 46-49). Unfortunately in the software testing game we all too often see evidence of the number 1 cited cause of waste: "Dusty Software Licenses". For the most part I've seen this occur in the niche areas of software testing Automation and Performance Testing and they are usually accompanied by/or caused in part by number 1's closest friend, number 6: "ICT projects gone wild". 

All to often I have seen organisations spend Thousands of dollars on tools to make the testing process more efficient and end up delivering far less than was originally specified. There are many reasons for this result, the least of which is that within IT we often attempt upgrades and process improvement activities internally and we don't apply the same level of rigour and governance that we do as when we are delivering project for an external stakeholders. We often put the tool subject matter expert or super user in charge of the project, on top of there other duties and expert that it'll just happen. The lesson here is that all internal projects (upgrades, automation and performance testing) should be run as projects with milestones, reporting, have established baselines and be constantly measured, with individuals held to account for the time & $$ invested. 

Teleworking is a subject that is close to my heart, as I Telework for one of my jobs :o) It works really well for me (and my employer I hope!). I enjoy the flexibility to do what needs to be done in and around the other things in my life (Family & my other job). The part of the article that made me smile, and then ponder was the part were the author said the 'non-productive time' of the Teleworker can be put towards doing the household chores like cleaning, doing the dishes or preparing dinner - the tasks that usually get done during personal time. This made me go hmmmmm..... Initially I was like, well, that's not cool and as an employer and supervisor I'm not sure I agree. But on reflection, and when considering the alternative proposed in the article (surfing the net or chatting) I'm now thinking that if that is the case, well it'll save us some $$ on bandwidth and download fees and potentially stop the disruption to the other employees and causing them to be unproductive so maybe on balance it's not such a outlandish statement. Though, Boss, if your reading this, this is my only 'unproductive time' ;-p     

Friday, May 13, 2011

A post about something.

It's been a while since I've blogged and it's not because I've not been inspired by many of the things I've heard and read. It's because there never seems to be enough hours in the day! Maybe tonight might be the night...

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